Tag: United Kingdom

Posted in Europe Middle East / Asia United States

Foreign Policy Re-Think Ahead of the Presidential Election Cycle: U.S. Top 5 Strategic Allies Going into 2024

Whether an internationalist or isolationist approach, there are some alliances that will be strategically vital with five countries being at the top of that list…

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Posted in Europe Middle East / Asia United States

The Balance of ‘Enduring Partnerships’ vs. ‘Transactional Relationships’

While there are some long-standing partnerships that continue to endure through time, U.S. politicians will have to become more accustomed to the transactional nature of international diplomacy…

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(Photo Credit: Gulf News)
Posted in Europe Middle East / Asia United States

The Global War For Talent Is Expanding…

The tech war between countries is well-established – the U.S. and China being the least coy about this battle. There is another (more subtle) war happening…the battle for talent is quietly turning into a more global competition….

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(Photo Credit: Roberto Monaldo / LaPresse via Associated Press)
Posted in Europe United States

Sunak, Scholz, Macron, and…where is Meloni?

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is quietly doing her share to help Italy and greater Europe with little applause…

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(Photo Credit: REUTERS)
Posted in Africa Europe Latin America Middle East / Asia United States

Top 10 Economies To Watch In 2023

Everyone knows economists have a poor track record of predicting recessions. Yet, it is hard to ignore the growing consensus among economists that the combination of inflation and interest rate hikes alongside tempered Chinese demand and US economic uncertainty could be the perfect storm for a global recession.

Those same economists, however, disagree on the depth and length of a potential recession as well as the underlying indicators that will answer their questions. Thus, instead of agreeing on a list of indicators, let’s focus on some countries that could be bellwethers for changing headwinds in 2023…

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(Photo Credit: Getty)
Posted in Africa Europe Latin America Middle East / Asia

Top 10 Economies to Watch in 2022

Vaccines gave hope going into 2021…fast forward a year later and the omicron variant is not providing the same confidence, especially with much of the globe still not fully vaccinated and / or without a booster shot. Such a reality has created renewed economic uncertainty. As we enter 2022, there are several countries whose economic trends will provide some insight into the global economy going forward…

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(Photo Credit: MicroStockHub / Getty Images)
Posted in Europe United States

France and the United States: “Fait l’un pour l’autre?”

France is “America’s oldest friend and Ally” with a relationship “built upon [..] shared commitment to the same values – democracy, human rights, the rule of law, security, and prosperity” according to the State Department. The debacle of last month regarding submarine sales by the U.S. to Australia and a subsequent voiding of a French contract with Australia raises questions about the French-American alliance. Yet an assessment of the other two options in Europe – the U.K. and Germany – suggests France and the U.S. are made for each other…

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Posted in Europe United States

Joe Biden and Europe: What to Expect with the United Kingdom, France, and Germany?

The U.S. will have to engage European countries on where their relations are on January 20, 2021 (inauguration day) versus where U.S. relations were with each country back in 2016. And, as expected, relations with some countries are warmer than with others after the past four years. With that in mind, Biden will have to assess U.S. relations with the three biggest European economies (UK, France, and Germany) and push those relationships forward as a signal to other European countries on what a Biden administration represents to (and expects from) the larger European region…

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