Tag: The Fed

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Posted in United States

The US Has A Budgeting Problem…Not Exactly A Debt Ceiling Issue

The U.S. Congress should consider switching from a federal debt ceiling as a nominal value to one fixed as a percentage of GDP. This debt ceiling should, on the one hand, be high enough that the government cannot reasonably cross it, but punitive enough that it disincentivizes profligate spending. This will save the U.S. from the annual political theater that occurs around debt ceiling talks and focus the discussion on the federal budget (and potentially taking revenue and spending decisions to actually control the deficit)…

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(Photo Credit: TheMortgageNote.org)
Posted in United States

The Fed, Investment Firms, And Rising Interest Rates

There are some simple life lessons in business: It is hard to be liked by all people and it is hard to be liked all the time.  Leaders at central banks and investment firms know this very well… today’s economic crisis will likely end with a simple reminder of these lessons…

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(Photo Credit: MicroStockHub/iStock via Getty Images)
Posted in Africa Europe Latin America Middle East / Asia United States

Distressed Investors Are Watching These Markets

To think many people predicted 2021 couldn’t get any worse than 2020. Little did they know that 2021 would bring delta, omicron, and inflation with a lot of messiness in-between. The result is 2022 will be volatile with a covid overhang and inflation coupled with aggressive interest rate hikes (by the U.S. Federal Reserve and other similar authorities across the globe) to combat the inflation – as a result, 2022 may present more distress than 2021. These are the markets distressed investors will, as a result, be watching in 2022.

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