Tag: Investment

(Photo Credit: AP Photo/Elias Meseret)
Posted in Africa

Going Against The Grain: Early Bets On A Few African Countries

An investor called me and asked, “One question for you, where would you take a risk in Africa today?” The COVID-19 crisis has the globe in a massive selloff, creating significant dislocation in the capital markets. But what does this mean for Africa’s private markets…

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(Photo Credit: AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)
Posted in Africa

Coronavirus in Africa: an opportunity for innovative investment

The last couple months can only be characterized as unprecedented, as many countries and markets went from indifference of the pandemic to visible panic. In many emerging markets, the flight of capital coupled with slowed investments has further complicated fragile situations. Yet these unexpected and difficult times still present opportunity for investment…

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(Photo Credit: REUTERS/Zoubeir Souissi)
Posted in Africa

Coronavirus: 5 economies to watch as the impact spreads

African countries have been among the last to be hit by the global coronavirus pandemic. Yet, as the cases rise and governments rightfully take the necessary measures to slow the spread of the virus, the continent is likely to face widespread economic fallout as business slows to a near halt…

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(Photo Credit: REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri)
Posted in Africa

Ethiopia could be the first African country to show China it has bargaining power

The light railway system in Addis Ababa provides a direct view into the successful and tangible economic diplomacy of China across the African continent….

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