Tag: Covid-19

(Photo Credit: REUTERS / Agustin Marcarian)
Posted in Latin America

Argentina: Nothing is Certain but Death and Taxes

Argentines are struggling with covid-19 and a three-year recession. The government currently completed a $65 billion restructuring and now wants to tax its way out of a recession…

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(Photo Credit: Image sourced from www.shutterstock.com)
Posted in Middle East / Asia

Middle East Sovereign Debt Levels Are Rising, But So What?

Middle East sovereign debt levels are rising, but so what? The question of whether the debt levels are sustainable is hard to answer…

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(Photo Credit: Presidencia / AFP / Getty Images)
Posted in Latin America

Bolivia’s Left Will Win But Hopefully With a Different Economic Strategy

Bolivia’s left will win but hopefully with a different economic strategy. It is not clear who will fund the socialist agenda in the short-term…

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(Photo Credit: Yawar Nazir/Getty Images)
Posted in Middle East / Asia

The Indian Economy: Jio Is Great But What About Everything Else

Jio may be overhyping the economic success in India. But covid-19 is surely overshadowing the greater economic troubles for India. The silver lining of covid-19 is the opportunity for leadership to make comprehensive economic reforms…

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(Photo Credit: AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
Posted in Africa

Ethiopia delays elections: Is COVID a valid excuse?

American President Donald Trump explicitly floated the idea of delaying November’s presidential election by way of a tweet on 30 of July…

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(Photo Credit: Ishara S. Kodikara/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images)
Posted in Middle East / Asia

The Rajapaksa Brothers Now Face Their Biggest Challenge

Now, with victory in hand, the Rajapaksa brothers, Gotabaya and Mahinda, must prove that they can re-claim Sri Lanka’s magic of the last decade…the landslide election victory did not miraculously change the country’s financial and economic situation overnight…

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(Photo Credit: Reuters)
Posted in Latin America

Ecuador and Argentina: An Unfair Comparison for the Nicer Ecuador

Ecuador is not a jaded lover when it comes to the international markets. It is doing all it can to reach a quick restructuring deal with its creditors…

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(Photo Credit: Associated Press)
Posted in Europe

Ukraine and Belarus: Familial Histories But Different Personalities (or Market Participants)

We all know two siblings that are very different. As the saying goes, siblings share genes but rarely personalities. A similar view on Belarus and Ukraine can rightfully be applied. Although not exactly siblings, the two countries share a familial history…

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(Photo Credit: Reuters)
Posted in Latin America

Brazil and Covid-19: Don’t Necessarily Vote Against Bolsonaro

Understanding President Bolsonaro’s response to covid-19 within the greater scheme of Brazil’s economy…

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